Teaching experience

From 2021 to 2024, all my teaching took place at Université de Caen Normandie, and I was at Université de Lorraine for the school year 2024–2025.


  • Introduction à la Programmation (Introduction to Programming) (C/Python) (L1)
  • Autres Paradigmes (Introduction to functional programming) (Haskell) (L2)


  • Algorithmique (L3)
  • Shell et outils (Bash shell and UNIX tools) (L2)


  • Théorie des Langages et Compilation (Formal Languages and Compilation) (L3)


  • Introduction au Web (Introduction to Web Programming) (L1)
  • NUMOC (Word processing, spreadsheets, web …) (L1)
  • Informatique, Algorithmique et Programmation (Introduction to programming) (Python) (L1)
  • Systèmes Logiques et Codage Numérique (Boolean formulas and functions, Encoding) (L1)